Dear colleagues,
Dermatologic emergencies are often potentially life-threatening and can be eas- ily overlooked in patients with no history of dermatologic disease. In addition to many dermatologic emergencies, which can progress to a life-threatening stage if effective/correct diagnosis and treatment processes are not followed. Derma- tologic emergencies cover a wide spectrum of problems, from life-threatening conditions such as urticaria-angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epi- dermal necrolysis, toxic shock syndrome, erythroderma, autoimmune bullous dis- eases, and scalded skin syndrome. This book, titled ‘Dermatologic Emergencies’, was created with the aim of updating information with a fast and rational ap- proach in the diagnosis and treatment progress of dermatologic emergencies. Our topics presented for your information to read cover the dermatologic as- pects of critical patient management.
Emergency medical conditions involve rapid decision-making and applying these decisions to prevent mortality and morbidity. We hope that the book will both contribute to the literature and serve as a guide for emergency medicine pro- fessionals who will take part in the preparation and intervention processes of dermatologic emergencies that may occur in the future. With our book, which in- cludes these issues that are important to manage in the emergency department, we aimed to contribute to the functioning of emergency medicine with the sup- port of literature and diagnostic criteria and current treatment methods for der- matologic emergencies.
Thirty-eight scientists from 5 different universities took part in this book. All of our writer friends are actively working in emergency services and also receive ac- ademic education. Therefore, we believe that we have done a comprehensive and realistic study. We would like to thank the authors, who were selected because of their expertise, for their contributions to this book. Without them, this book would not have been possible.
We would like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues who contributed with their writings and expertise to the preparation of this book. While we would like
to thank the members of Türkiye Klinikleri who supported the preparation of the
book, we sincerely hope that the content of our book will be useful to you, our val- ued readers. It will be the important study for emergency medicine specialists added to the Türkiye Klinikleri dermatologic emergency archive. With our love and best wishes to all emergency medicine specialists who work with great de- votion and hardship in emergency services, even in the remotest corners of Türkiye.
Have a good read.
Prof. Dr. Hakan OĞUZTÜRK
University of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine,
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine,
Ankara, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazlı GÖRMELİ KURT
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital,
Clinic of Emergency Medicine,
Ankara, Türkiye
Section 1: Initial Evaluation and Management of Skin Disorders – Cilt Hastalıklarının İlk Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi
Section Editor: Bülent GÜNGÖRER
Initial Evaluation and Management of Skin Disorders
Ayşe Sümeyye ARI, Gülhan KURTOĞLU ÇELİK
Urticaria and Angioedema
Alp ŞENER, Reyhan İrem MUTLU
Adem AZ
Section 2: Generalized Skin Disorders – Jeneralize Cilt Hastalıkları
Section Editor: Şükrü GÜRBÜZ, Songül DOĞAN ARAÇ
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Serkan ŞAHİN
Ayşe Gülden BEKGÖZ
Exfoliative Erythroderma
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Yasin Burak YILMAZ
Erythroderma (Exfoliative Dermatitis)
DRESS (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms) Syndrome
Purpura Fulminans
Murat GENÇ
Adil Emre GEZER
Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
Fatih Ahmet KAHRAMAN
Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
Talat Cem ÖZDEMİR, Nurullah İshak IŞIK
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Erythema Multiforme Minor
İsmail Ufuk YILDIZ
Eythema Multiforme Major (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome)
Gülşah SABIR DEMİR, Ahmet Emre AY
Section 3: Skin Disorders: Face and Scalp – Cilt Hastalıkları: Yüz ve Deri
Section Editor: Mehmet Ali CEYHAN
Herpes Zoster, Herpes Simplex
Fatma Elmas AKGÜN
Irritant/Allergic Contact Dermatitis and Photosensitivity
Nihal ERTÜRK, Habibe Selmin ÖZENSOY
Complications of Botulinum Toxin and Fillers
Section 4: Skin Disorders: Trunk – Cilt Hastalıkları: Gövde
Section Editor: Ferhat İÇME
Pityriasis Rosea
Burak Emre GİLİK, Burhaneddin Burak YURT
Molluscum Contagiosum
Section 5: Skin Disorders: Groin, Skinfolds and Extremities – Cilt Hastalıkları: Kasık, Deri Kıvrımları ve Ekstremiteler
Section Editor: Şevki Hakan EREN, Muhammed EKMEYAPAR
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Orhan ÖZSOY, Sedat ÖZBAY
Venous Stasis and Diabetic/Neuropathic Ulcers
İsmail Erkan AYDIN
Psoriasis-Erythema Nodosum
Bensu BULUT, Medine AKKAN ÖZ
Cutaneous Dermatophytes/Tinea
Sedat ÖZBAY, Mustafa AYAN