Analysis of Physical Education Teaching Field Knowledge Test in Terms of Selected Variables

Editör Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan DALKIRAN
ISBN Numarası 78-625-395-336-2
Kitap Dili İngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı 123

It is a fact that teacher candidates all over the world must meet certain conditions in order to work as permanent staff in public institutions. It has been stated in many academic studies that the teacher appointment conditions vary from country to country and show similarities. In our country, there are articles and books that examine the teacher appointment conditions in many teaching branches. Important suggestions were presented at the point of solu- tions to the problems identified by these academic studies, and as a result; many changes were made in the teacher appointment processes.

The purpose of this book; One of the necessary conditions in the appoint- ment of physical education and sports teachers, we tried to discuss the opin- ions of the Physical Education Teaching Field Knowledge Test (ÖABT) by physical education and sports teacher candidates, the course program and contents in the universities where they are educated, and the solutions to elim- inate the problems that may be encountered in the appointment of teachers by determining the compliance levels with the exam question distributions. In this way, the Student Selection and Placement Center of the Republic of Turkey (ÖSYM), which carries out the exam, will be an important resource book to guide the university and academic staff who train physical education and sports teacher candidates, as well as physical education and sports teacher candidates.

As the author of this book, I owe it to once again express my gratitude to all public and private institutions, private and legal persons who help us access the necessary visual, auditory and textual resources in the creation and preparation of all chapters.

Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan DALKIRAN
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Sporda Psiko-Sosyal Alanlar Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı





Teaching Profession and Qualifications

  • Concept of Profession
  • Concept of Teaching
  • Personal and Professional Characteristics of the Teacher
    • Personal Qualities of the Teacher


Teacher Qualifications

  • Teacher Competencies
    • MEB Teaching Profession General Competencies
      • General Competencies for the Teaching Profession in 2002
      • General Competencies for the Teaching Profession in 2006
      • General Competencies for the Teaching Profession in 2017
    • Higher Education Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Basic Field Competencies
    • International Teaching Qualifications


Teacher Training System

  • Teacher Training System in Turkey
  • Teacher Training Programs
    • Physical Education and Sports Teaching Undergraduate Program
      • General Culture Lessons
      • Vocational Knowledge Courses
      • Field Knowledge Lessons


Teacher Appointment Criteria

  • Public Personnel Selection Examination
    • General Aptitude Test
    • General Knowledge Exam
    • Educational Sciences Exam
  • Teaching Field Knowledge Test
    • Physical Education Teacher Exam
      • Field Knowledge Test
      • Field Training Test


Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations 

  • Teacher Candidates’ Opinions on the Physical Education Teaching Content Knowledge Test
  • Teacher Candidates About Physical Education Teaching Field Test ( ÖABT )
    • Compatibility Between Undergraduate Education and ÖABT (Course content and exam scope, content length, elective courses)
    • Negativities in Undergraduate Education (Inconsistency of grades, trial exams, repeating courses, not paying attention to other courses, inadequate undergraduate education, and supplementary education)
  • Guidance of Instructors (Information, Guidance)
  • Content of the Exam (The exam is new; the questions are not clear)
  • ÖABT Measurement-Evaluation (Failure to measure teacher competence, being a theoretical exam)
  • Exam Reliability (Cancellation of the exam, presence of incorrect questions)
  • Exam Anxiety (anxiety about ÖABT)
  • The Teaching Field Knowledge Test (ÖABT) Question Rates and the Level of Meeting the Course Loads of the Physical Education and Sports Teaching Undergraduate Program
  • The Compatibility Level of Physical Education and Sports Teaching Undergraduate Program Course Content Definitions and Physical Education Teaching Field Knowledge Test (ÖABT) Question Contents
  • Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Results
  • Suggestions
