A Tribute and Hope for Neonatology: Individualized and Precision Approach to the Newborn Infant
We have prepared this book of Türkiye Klinikleri as a tribute for Neonatology, which is almost disappearing at a very young age in our country because the younger generations do not prefer it, and as well as a hope for our young colleagues who are devoted to Neonatology and trained in this field of science, to provide the precision approach our neonates deserve, and to produce scientific knowledge in the field of Neonatology.
Under-five mortality, infant mortality and neonatal mortality rates are among the most important health indicators of the developmental level of a country. These rates are 11.1 per thousand, 9.1 per thousand and 5.6 per thousand, respectively in Türkiye. Infant deaths account for more than 80% of under-five mortality and neonatal deaths account for more than 60% of infant mortality.1 More than half of under-5 mortality could be prevented by decreasing neonatal mortality. Between 2001 and 2012, the indicators I have mentioned have demonstrated impressive decreases due to the global developments in the field of child and newborn health besides the positive impact of prioritized maternal and child health and preventive health programs, in line with the economic prosperity in Türkiye. However, since 2012, these indicators have not changed at all, and nearly all graphs in the figures of these rates have turned into plateaues.1 Various reasons for this are as follows: not anymore prioritized maternal and child health and preventive medicine programs, the economic contraction of recent years, the loss of attractiveness of the subspecialty field of Neonatology, the legislation which has been in force since 2012, and which permits and promotes non-neonatologists decked with only basic knowledge and skills to serve neonatal intensive care patients with equal or even better personal rights.
Although we do not have any official data, the common observation of physicians, educators and scientists working in the field is that sensory, motor and cognitive morbidities are also increasing in our neonates.
Although we do not have any official data, the common observation of physicians, educators and scientists working in the field is that sensory, motor and cognitive morbidities are also increasing in our neonates.
At this point, we are behind OECD countries, European Union countries and World Health Organization Eastern European Region countries with respect to our under-five PREFACE ÖN SÖZ . mortality, infant mortality and neonatal mortality rate.2 It will only be possible to stop this trend with Neonatologists who know the characteristics and requirements of the high-risk newborns of each gestational age perfectly and can fulfill these requirements correctly with the necessary sensitive approaches for each neonate. There is an urgent need for young neonatologists who know and practice their job well in our field.
This book of Türkiye Klinikleri on ”Individualized and Precision Approach to the Newborn Infant” has been written by neonatologists who serve newborns with the approach they deserve, produce knowledge and science in the field, and educate the younger generations. The subject contents have been selected and arranged in order to be a source of hope and motivation for Neonatology professionals, as well as our young colleagues who want to become neonatologists. Each of the authors has prepared an extraordinary content on many topics, from precise and individualized care for all newborns, especially very small preemies that need to be taken care only by neonatologists from the delivery room to the neonatal intensive care unit, to the projection of this approach in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
I wish this book will not only be a tribute but hope for the field of Neonatology, and a good reading for all.
Prof. Dr. Saadet ARSAN
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Ankara, Türkiye
1. https://hsgm.saglik.gov.tr >istatistikler
2. https://www.who.int/data/gho/map-gallery
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