Advers Reactions to Radiopharmaceuticals: Kidney Imaging Radiopharmaceuticals
Merve SELOĞLUa, Asuman Yekta ÖZERa
aHacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy, Deparmant of Radiopharmacy, Ankara, TURKEY
Seloğlu M, Özer Ay. Advers reactions to radiopharmaceuticals: Kidney imaging radiopharmaceuticals. In: Özer Ay, ed. New Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p.41-50.
Radiopharmaceuticals are special kind of drugs prepared by radiopharmasists in Nuclear Medicine departments used in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. There are two parts in their structure: radioactive and pharmaceutical. They are administered intravenously to the patient. Therefore, parenteral preparations need to fulfill the specifications. Essentially, radiopharmaceuticals are used in the imaging of many organs mainly. They have an important role especially in kidney imaging studies. The most commonly used radiopharmaceuticals in kidney imaging are 99mTc-DTPA, 131I-hipuran (131I-OIH) and 99mTc-MAG3. To a lesser extent, 99mTc-DMSA, 99mTc-Gluceptate, 51Cr-EDTA and different radiopharmaceuticals like 99mTc-(CO3) NTA, 125I-Iothalamat are also used. Some adverse effects are seen in radiopharmaceuticals, even if it is less frequently than conventional drugs. However, adverse effects that may result in death, can also be seen. Adverse Reactions to Radiopharmaceuticals (ARRP) should be taken into consideration during their application and these adverse reactions should be notified to the relevant authorities when necessary. In this study, the importance of the adverse reactions seen in the use of the compounds will be discussed and the adverse effects seen especially in radiopharmaceuticals used in kidney imaging will be evaluated.
Keywords: Radiopharmaceuticals; drug-related side effects and adverse reactions; kidney
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