Aesthetic Indices in Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses
aLokman Hekim University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Türkiye
Kendirli CE, Karaağaçlıoğlu L. Aesthetic indices in implant-supported fixed prostheses. In: Karaağaçlıoğlu L, ed. Current Information on Implant Supported Prostheses. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.20-5.
Patients’ expectation in dental implantology is usually the restoration of lost function and aesthetics. The aesthetic and functional success of implant treatments is closely related to the surrounding hard and soft tissues. When evaluating the planned prosthetic restoration, neighboring teeth, lips, gingiva and environmental factors, as well as the position of the implant, the emergence profile and structure of the gingival tissue, and the anatomical form of the alveolar bone should be taken into consideration. In the literature, aesthetic indices for implant-supported restorations have been found to score some parameters that affect aesthetics in order to plan treatment in accordance with expectations.
Keywords: Esthetics, dental; dental implants; dental prosthesis, implant-supported
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