Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülçin Ercan
Sultan 2. Abdulhamid Khan Educational and Research Hospital, İstanbul Provincial Directorate of Health, Department of General Surgery, İstanbul, Türkiye
Anorectal fistulas, also known as “fistula-in-ano,” are chronic conditions typically developing after an anal abscess has ruptured or drained. These fistulas form epithelialized tracts, creating an abnormal connection between the anal canal and the surrounding perianal or perirectal skin. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe complications like pain, abscess formation, and systemic infections. Surgical treatment pri- marily focuses on removing the fistula tract, controlling infection, and preventing recurrence while preserving anal sphincter function.
Anorectal fistulas are relatively rare, with an incidence of about 1 to 10,000 people, commonly affecting males in their 40s. Risk factors include obesity, diabetes, smoking, and prior anorectal surgeries. Up to 25% of anorectal fistula cases in the Western world are associated with Crohn’s disease, underscoring the importance of identifying underlying causes.
Most anorectal fistulas are cryptoglandular in origin, resulting from infected anal crypt glands. However, they may also arise from Crohn’s disease, infections, obstetric injuries, or malignancies. Fistulas are classified de- pending on their anatomical relationship to the anal sphincter muscles using the Parks, Gordon, and Hardcastle classification system. This classification helps determine the complexity of the fistula and the surgical approach required.
Imaging techniques such as MRI, endoanal ultrasound, and fistulography play a crucial role in defining the fistula’s anatomy and extent. MRI is considered the gold standard for evaluating anorectal fistulas, but other imaging modalities may also be useful depending on availability and the complexity of the case.
Management strategies include fistulotomy, seton placement, fibrin glue application, and endorectal advancement flaps. The primary goals of treatment are to control infection, achieve definitive closure of the fistula, and maintain continence. Surgical approach is often tailored based on the complexity of the fistula, with sphincter-preserving techniques preferred for complex cases.
Keywords: Fistula; Anorectal diseases; Etiology; Classification; Physical examination; Disease management; General surgery
Kaynak Göster
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