Antibiotic Selection in Pediatric Febrile Neutropenia


aKocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology, Kocaeli, Türkiye


Fever in a pediatric cancer patient with neutropenia may be the first sign of a life-threatening condition. Treatment of febrile neutropenia should be individualized, taking into account the underlying hematologic disease, the chemotherapy regimen received, the duration of neutropenia, local epidemiological data and diagnostic resources at the center, and the daily bedside evaluation of the patient. When a patient develops fever, an anti-pseudomonal antibiotic regimen, most likely effective against Gram-negative bacteria, should be started immediately. The continuation and duration of treatment should be adjusted according to clinical and microbiological parameters.

Keywords: Febrile neutropenia; child; antimicrobial stewardship


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