Approach to Medical Emergencies in Older Adults After Natural Disasters
aEge University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, İzmir, Türkiye
A disaster is defined as a dangerous situation that exceeds capacities. Management of older adult patients in the emergency department differs from that of adults, from triage to hospital admission. These inconsistencies are due to physiological differences and different responses during disasters. Among disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, older adults are most susceptible to traumatic consequences. Understanding management and specific trauma characteristics in older patients will facilitate disaster management. Crush syndrome and hypo-hyperthermia are the most common causes of death. Early interventions such as hemodialysis can reduce mortality rates. The main goal should be to prevent dehydration. The most common reason for admission to the emergency department in the secondary period is exacerbation of chronic diseases. These patients often require more extensive diagnostic procedures, treatment, and prolonged hospital stays. Algorithms are needed for disaster management, including assessing chronic diseases, unique triage systems, admission and discharge.
Keywords: Geriatrics; disasters; earthquake; storm; flood; emergency department
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