Approach to the Neonate with Thrombocytopenia and Hemorrhage in the Pediatric Emergency Department
aHealth Sciences University Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Ankara, Türkiye
Özyürek E. Approach to the neonate with thrombocytopenia and hemorrhage in the pediatric emergency department. In: Fidancı İ, ed. Neonatal Emergencies. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.64-70.
Bleeding in a newborn is often a serious health problem, deteriorating the general condition of the baby in a short time. It is commonly seen in the neonatal intensive care units as well as in the pediatric emergency services. The most common bleeding disorder in the newborns is thrombocytopenia, but other coagulopathies can also occur. The etiology of the bleeding in newborns mostly related to underlying maternal or neonatal diseases. To interpret coagulation laboratory results of newborns, developmental hemostasis should be well known. The treatment is given according to underlying condition causing bleeding in the newborn.
Keywords: Bleeding disorder; nenotates/newborns; coagulopathy; thrombocytopenia
Kaynak Göster
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