Behavioral Addictions: An Overview

Dr. Saba Çiçek
Department of Psychiatry, Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Ankara, Türkiye


Human beings have resorted to various actions to relax and relieve pain. They may use substances for these purposes. Some behaviors can also be used as a self-medication to cope with stressors. Therefore, it is thought that certain behaviors are as addictive as illegal substances. Behavioral addiction is a fairly new concept. These patients can show symptoms of substance use disorders without any substance. However, they share neurobiological and behavioral foundations with SUDs. As the digital age continues to evolve, new behavioral addictions may emerge, necessitating continued research and adaptation of treatment strategies. Behavioral addictions are also going to be mentioned as non-substance addictions or process addictions throughout this chapter following the existing literature.

Keywords: Addiction medicine; Behavior, Addictive; Gambling; Internet addiction disorder


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