Classic Culotte Stenting
Dr. Onur Akgün
Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Ankara, Türkiye
The section on “Classic Culotte Stenting” discusses the complexities of treating coronary bifurcation lesions, which pose unique challenges in interventional cardiology. These lesions require careful consideration of var- ious factors, including the anatomy of the arteries and the approach to stenting. The DEFINITION study is highlighted as a significant research effort aimed at establishing criteria for complex bifurcation lesions, demonstrating that while both provisional and two-stent strategies yield similar outcomes in terms of major clinical events after one year, the two-stent approach shows fewer cardiac deaths in complex cases. The cu- lotte stenting technique, introduced in 1998, involves placing two stents in a fashion that resembles pant legs, offering effective solutions for specific lesion types, such as those with calcification or large side branches. The procedure requires meticulous pre-procedural preparation, including selecting appropriate catheters and imaging methods to assess plaque characteristics. The steps of the culotte stenting procedure are detailed, from guide wire placement to stent implantation and optimization techniques. Key considerations include choosing the right stent sizes, ensuring proper stent apposition, and performing proximal optimization to min- imize complications. Overall, the culotte technique is a valuable approach for managing complex bifurcation lesions, but it requires careful planning and execution.
Keywords: Coronary artery disease; Percutaneous coronary intervention; Classic Culotte
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