Climate Change and Growth Development
aAydın Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Aydın, Türkiye
Deveci Sevim R, Ünüvar T. Climate change and growth development. In: Aksu H, Gürbüz Özgür B, eds. Climate Change: Child and Adolescent Health and Mental Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2023. p.77-80.
Climate change is a global problem with multiple consequences, including the growth and development of children. It affects all areas of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development from childhood to adulthood. Heat waves and unexpected weather events due to climate change make it difficult to access safe food and increase malnutrition, especially in childhood. In addition, floods resulting from unexpected and unpredictable rainfall deepen malnutrition by increasing vector-mediated infectious diseases. This leads to various health problems, especially stunting. Heat waves negatively affect neuromotor development and cognitive functions, especially in the first three years, starting from the antenatal period. The negative effects of climate change on growth and development especially affect regions experiencing socioeconomic difficulties and exacerbate existing inequalities. Therefore, combating climate change and promoting sustainable development is critical to ensuring a healthy future for all individuals, especially children.
Keywords: Climate change; global warming; growth & development; growth disorders; malnutrition
Kaynak Göster
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