Complementary Medicine Modalities: The Effect of Acupuncture Treatment and Mesotherapy on Free Oxygen Radicals
aDokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, İzmir, Türkiye
Göçmen Karabekir N. Complementary medicine modalities: The effect of acupuncture treatment and mesotherapy on free oxygen radicals. In: Koçdor H, Pabuççuoğlu A, Zihnioğlu F, eds. Inflammation and in vitro Diagnostics. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.190-8.
Article Language: EN
The word acupuncture is a combination of the words ”acus” (needle) and ”puncture”. The effects of all types of acupuncture are pain-reducing, relaxing, providing homeostasis, raising the immune system, and also psychological, repairing and regenerative effects. The basics of acupuncture are that, acupuncture plays an important role for attenuation of the levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL1b after surgery and in reducing the incidence of fever of unknown origin. The effect against free oxygen radicals has been proven with acupuncture treatment. The use of acupuncture as an adjunct treatment to conventional medical therapy for many chronic inflammatory disease and autoimmune problems seems acceptable in all over the world. Mesotherapy is a word derived from the Latin words ”meso” and ”therapy”. Mesotherapy, which literally means ”medium treatment”, is a treatment method that has medical and aesthetic treatment applied to the mesoderm layer of the skin. Classical pharmacological therapy to reduce pain, inflammation, and functional disability usually relies upon the extensive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, paracetamol, corticosteroids, and various different kind of opioids. In contrast to mesotherapy, major drawback of pharmacological therapy with these types of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs is the frequent related with adverse effects for the treatment of acute pain and sensory symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. As a conclussion, the use of acupuncture and mesotherapy as an adjunct treatment to conventional medical therapy for many chronic inflammatory disease and autoimmune problems seems acceptable and should be validated by confirming its evidence-based applicability via many further comparative case control studies.
Keywords: Acupuncture; mesotherapy; free oxygen radicals; inflammation
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