Cryptocurrency and Trading Addiction
Dr. Yasin Duman
Department of Psychiatry, İluh State Hospital, Batman, Türkiye
Recent technological advancements have significantly influenced how individuals invest, just as they have af- fected many other areas. Technologies like cryptocurrencies have attracted the attention of many due to their decentralized nature and the innovations they promise. Compared to traditional investments such as stocks, precious metals, and bonds, cryptocurrencies appear much riskier, less secure, and highly volatile. It is known that individual users who engage in frequent and daily trading exhibit patterns similar to problematic gamb- ling behavior. Among those who invest in both cryptocurrencies and the stock market, early wins, chasing los- ses, and taking high risks can lead to various social, financial, and psychological pathologies. Although these two situations are not yet classified as diagnostic categories in the literature, future studies will shed light on the relationship between these behaviors and gambling addiction, as well as whether they can be considered standalone behavioral addictions.
Keywords: Behavior, addictive; Gambling
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