Dissociogenic Effects of Migration as a Collective Trauma on Family Dynamics

Aylin AYDINa , Şahide Güliz KOLBURANb

aİstanbul Nişantası University İstanbul Nişantası Vocational School, Applied English and Translation Department, İstanbul, Türkiye
bİstanbul Aydın University Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Psychology, İstanbul, Türkiye

Aydın A, Kolburan ŞG. Dissociogenic effects of migration as a collective trauma on family dynamics. In: Öztürk E, ed. Migration Psychology. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.122-8.


Collective trauma and migration affect individuals, families and entire societies in complex and profound ways. Whether forced or voluntary, migration is often driven by a multitude of complex factors, such as conflict, economic hardship or environmental instability. Regardless of the triviality of what motivates them, uprooting one’s roots and moving to a new environment has a profound impact on the collective psyche. Such trauma sometimes does not only concern a single individual, but spreads to the community as a whole in the form of shared experiences of displacement and loss across generations, inevitably resulting in dissociation, anxiety and depression. Traumatic experiences such as migration contribute significantly to the onset of dissociation. Moreover, upbringing in families characterised by dysfunctional dynamics can exacerbate the difficulty of these experiences. Parenting styles, mental health and acculturation processes are important indicators that play a major role in coping with collective trauma and the aftermath of migration.

Keywords: Migration; collective trauma; dissociation; family dynamics; acculturation


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