E-Health Literacy and Telemedicine
Enes Talha YILDIZa , Asiye UĞRAŞ DİKMENa
aGazi University Faculty of Medicine, Deparment of Public Health, Ankara, Türkiye
Yıldız ET, Uğraş Dikmen A. E-health literacy and telemedicine. In: Özkan S, ed. Telehealth, Telemedicine and Public Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.37-41.
Today, changes and developments in technology have contributed to the digitalization of health services. Tele-medicine has taken its place in healthcare delivery processes as one of these applications. Tele-medicine is a useful digital health technology that can facilitate people to receive preventive treatment and help their long-term health. The use of digital health technologies such as telemedicine has moved to all areas of patient and healthcare services, and it is of great importance that users who obtain health information from the internet environment have some digital skills to improve their health and thus understand and use the information they obtain correctly. This situation has caused the concept of e-health literacy, which is a different form of health literacy, to gain importance. There are studies showing that the use of telemedicine is largely dependent on the level of e-health literacy of the individual. At this point, in addition to programs to strengthen e-health literacy, there is a need to create training programs for segments of the population that have difficulty in dealing with telemedicine.
Keywords: Telemedicine; health literacy
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