Effective International Stakeholder Coordination in Health Crises

Tufan NAYİRa , Toker ERGÜDERb , Ardita TAHIRUKAJc

aWorld Health Organization Country Office, Ankara, Türkiye
bUniversity of Health Sciences Gülhane Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Ankara, Türkiye
cWorld Health Organization, Health Emergcencies Program, Copenhagen, Denmark

 Nayir T, Ergüder T, Tahirukaj A. Effective international stakeholder coordination in health crises. In: Özkan S, ed. Risk and Crisis Communication in Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.85-90.

Health crises are situations that may have many different causes such as economic crisis, infectious diseases, disasters that restrict the access of individuals or communities to health services, affect the provision of health services or directly affect the health of the society. Regardless of the cause, effective communication with all stakeholders in times of crisis is the key to effective management of personnel, time and financial resources, access to the right information, maintaining the trust and support of affected parties and stakeholders, faster and more effective response, reaching more victims and saving more lives. This study has been written with the aim of emphasising the importance of effective communication with international partners who provide assistance in crisis/disaster situations affecting health services, especially in large-scale crises, and to inform the readers about how to make a more effective strategic approach.
Keywords: Stakeholder participation; organization and administration; disaster planning


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