Endogen Enzymes: Protease
Zehra SELÇUKa , Habip MURUZa
aOndokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Samsun, Türkiye
Selçuk Z, Muruz H. Endogen enzymes: Protease. In: Saçaklı P, ed. Enzymes in Poultry Nutrition. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.61-5.
The main goal of enzyme use is the elimination of anti-nutritional factors in feed and the improving nutrient absorption from feed. Therefore, many studies are related to supplementing exogenous enzymes in poultry diets to improve the digestibility of nutrients, reduce diet costs, and lower environmental pollution because of undigestible nutrients. Proteases produced by microorganisms are classified as acidic or basic. Their functional groups and the location of the peptide bond are also used for categorization. Proteases can facilitate the utilization of proteins, mainly when feed ingredients are low quality and/or have low bioavailability. While the beneficial effects of proteases on growth performance are because of the enhanced protein digestibility and energy utilization, these effects may also result from favorable changes to gut health indicators in broilers. The addition of proteases to diets may cause increases in the apparent digestibility of amino acids and proteins in diets with reduced levels of protein in laying hens. This section includes some recent studies on supplementing proteases in poultry diets on performance, protein digestion, and intestinal morphometry.
Keywords: Protease; broiler; laying hens; digestibility; poultry; animal feed
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