Etiologic Types of Stressed Heart Morphology


Özkan BEKLERa, Yeliz SÖKMENa

aHatay Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Cardiology, Hatay, Türkiye

Left ventricular hypertrophy is an adaptive response to wall stress caused by physiological or pathological stimuli. The basal segment of the interventricular septum is perhaps the most sensitive segment to this stress. It has been shown that many etiological factors, especially hypertension, cause left ventricular hypertrophy. Many studies show that the basal septum is affected first due to its proximity to the left ventricular outflow tract during pressure or volume overload. Advanced cardiac imaging methods have shown that hyper contractility occurs before myocardial hypertrophy. Basal septal hypertrophy has been suggested to be used as an early biomarker of hypertension. With many different terminologies, these morphological changes in the heart against various stimuli have been tried to be defined. Among these definitions, ‘Stressed heart morphology’ is seen as the most comprehensive definition. There are limited resources regarding the etiological factors evaluated under the title of stressed heart morphology. In this section, the etiological types of stressed heart morphology will be discussed.
Keywords: Hypertension; left ventricular hypertrophy; aortic valve stenosis


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