Evaluation of Facial Nerve Paralysis and Differential Diagnosis
aİstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, İstanbul, Türkiye
bİstinye State Hospital, Clinic of Neurology, İstanbul, Türkiye
Uzun Adatepe N, Aliş C. Evaluation of facial nerve paralysis and differential diagnosis. In: Sanus GZ, Batıoğlu Karaaltın A, eds. Surgical Management of Facial Nerve Paralysis. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2022. p.23-9.
In daily clinical practice, one of the ways to solve a problem is by analogy with another one experienced before. Although it could be concluded in this way quickly, the risk of misdiagnosis is high. In the scientific analysis, which is the other method, the problem is investigated based on of the underlying defect of structure and function step by step. Solving a problem could be achieved with the information of anatomy, physiology, and physiopathology in clinical practice. The data we have are the symptoms and signs obtained from the history of the patient and physical examination. When the patient is encountered, some questions come to mind, such as ‘Is there a lesion that affects the nervous system?’, ‘Where is the lesion in the nervous system?’ and ‘What is the nature of the lesion?’ from the perspective of neurology. After the anamnesis and neurological examination, the stage of detecting the etiology starts via examining the size, morphology, distribution, and level of the lesion in the nervous system, whether the topography of the lesion is focal, widespread, or multifocal. At this stage, whether the onset of the disease is acute, subacute, chronic, or recurrent and the prognosis of the disease are questioned. When an anatomopathological decision is concluded, the diagnosis is confirmed with other laboratory tests, after other diseases in the differential diagnosis are excluded. The patient’s approval is obtained at each step by explaining the way to be followed at each stage. In this article, the evaluation of a patient presenting with peripheral facial paralysis will be reviewed.
Keywords: Facial paralysis; peripheral facial paralysis; differential diagnosis
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