Exercise Addiction
Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak Erman Menkü
Department of Psychiatry, Lokman Hekim University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Türkiye
Exercise addiction, although it usually starts as a healthy habit, can turn into an addiction that negatively af- fects physical and mental health. The main characteristics of exercise addiction include the inability to quit ex- ercise despite its harmful effects, the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms, and an excessive focus on exercise that disrupts daily life. The development of exercise addiction can be explained by different mechanisms such as biological, psychological, behavioral, and environmental factors. Exercise addiction can be seen together with eating disorders, certain personality traits, and other addictions. While there is no standard treatment protocol for exercise addiction, motivational therapy and CBT are often effective. Prevention strategies in- clude education on healthy exercise habits and encouraging a balanced approach to physical activity.
Keywords: Exercise; Dependency, psychological; Addiction medicine
Kaynak Göster
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