Fetal Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mustafa KOPLAYa , Ömer Faruk TOPALOĞLUa
aSelçuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Konya, Türkiye
Koplay M, Topaloğlu ÖF. Fetal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. In: Bayraktaroğlu S, ed. Advances in Cardiovascular System Imaging. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.67-73.
Fetal cardiovascular evaluation is one of the most important parts of obstetric imaging. In different guidelines, cardiovascular imaging is recommended in routine pregnancy follow-up from the first trimester. Although the basic imaging method in fetal cardiovascular evaluation is fetal echocardiography (ECHO), an appropriate ECHO image may not be produced for cardiovascular evaluation due to reasons such as the relative decrease in amniotic fluid amount, obesity, progression of bone structure development, oligohydramnios and inappropriate fetal position, especially in the advancing weeks of gestation. In these cases, fetal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (FcMRI) can be used as an imaging modality that has been studied in recent years and whose additional diagnostic contribution has been investigated for fetal cardiovascular evaluation. FcMRI allows visualization of cardiovascular morphology in the second and third trimesters. In addition, it can contribute to the diagnosis of many pathologies such as congenital heart diseases (CHD), cardiovascular variations and tumors. Having a high fetal heart rate is the main difficulty, however, images that will help to reveal the cardiovascular morphology can be obtained during the periods when the fetus is immobile with gradient echo (GRE) fast sequences such as steady-state free precession (SSFP).
Keywords: Prenatal diagnosis; cardiac imaging techniques; magnetic resonance imaging; ultrasonography
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