Forced Migration from Psychosocial Perspective

Migration Psychology-wos kapak

Bengisu Nehir AYDINa

aPrivate Clinical Psychologist, İstanbul, Türkiye

Aydın BN. Forced migration from psychosocial perspective. In: Öztürk E, ed. Migration Psychology. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.112-21.


Forced migrants face unique challenges, including property loss, socio-cultural risks, and mental health impacts, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder. Migration psychology, ecological model, Dissoanalysis Theory and psychotraumatology are primal approaches which help understand these challenges. Disadvantaged groups, such as children, adolescents, women, and older adults, may face specific difficulties in the post-migration period. A multilevel intervention pyramid for mental health and psychosocial support includes basic services, community and family support, and specialized services. Psychosocial intervention centers use preventive strategies, emergency education. They care for newly arrived adolescent refugees, focusing on self-efficacy, safety, connectedness, culture, post-migration environment, and professional networks. Cooperation between psychotherapists, social workers, interpreters, lawyers and teachers is essential for long-term psychosocial development. Addressing longterm effects of migration trauma and promoting integrative psychosocial relationships is crucial. Immigrant mothers’ adoption of empathetic and correct child-rearing styles can prevent intergenerational transmission of trauma and intergenerational transfer of psychopathology.

Keywords: Forced migration; migrants; migration trauma; out-migration; psychosocial support systems


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