Gambling Disorder
Dr. Duygu Nur Tutam
Department of Psychiatry, Yuksekova State Hospital, Hakkari, Türkiye
Introduction: The history of gambling is as ancient as human civilization itself, and despite changes in its forms throughout historical development, most individuals engage in gambling for entertainment and so- cialization. However, when gambling becomes excessive and disrupts an individual’s professional and social functioning, it may be considered an addiction or disorder. Diagnostic Classification: Previously known as ‘pathological gambling,’ this disorder is characterized as the first behavioral addiction. It was first introduced under the term ‘gambling disorder’ in the fifth edition of the DSM. The DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria are consid- ered the gold standard for diagnosis. Epidemiology: Epidemiological studies have shown that the lifetime prevalence of gambling disorder ranges from 0.42% to 4%. Etiology: Despite variations, common etiological models are used to explain alcohol, substance use disorders, and behavioral addictions. Researchers describe the etiology of gambling disorder as complex and multifactorial. It includes neurobiological, genetic, and psy- chological causes. Comorbidity: Psychiatric comorbidity is frequently observed in gambling disorder. Studies have reported that depression occurs in up to 75% of patients, and substance use disorders in up to 57.5%. The presence of comorbidity affects the course of the disorder and response to treatment. Management: Gambling disorder negatively impacts an individual’s mental and physical health, leading to disruptions in social, professional, and educational spheres. A personalized and multidimensional approach is preferred in treatment. Both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments are utilized, with opioid antagonists and cog- nitive-behavioral therapies being prominent among the pharmacological and psychosocial options, respec- tively. Results and Recommendations: Gambling disorder is a type of addiction that often begins at a young age, affecting individuals and their families socially, economically, and professionally. Given the challenges associated with treatment, it is crucial to implement preventive mechanisms in the community and prioritize screening efforts in addition to therapeutic interventions.
Keywords: Gambling; Motivational interviewing; Self-help groups; Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
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