Prof. Dr. İlker Sücüllü1
Assist. Prof. Dr. İlker Pala2
1Private Physician, Department of General Surgery, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Pendik Medipol University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, İstanbul, Türkiye
Haemorrhoids are physiological cushions consisting of arteries, veins and connective tissue that help continence in the anal canal. Haemorrhoidal cushions are usually located on the right anterior, right posterior and left lateral. Their blood supply is mainly provided by the superior haemorrhoidal artery. Haemorrhoids are observed in 39% of patients who underwent colonoscopy. Risk factors include age, constipation or diarrhoea, prolonged sitting, pelvic malignancies and pregnancy. The complaints of the patients vary according to the localisation and stage of the disease. Painless bright bleeding is a common complaint. Patients may also present with complaints such as itching, burning sensation, discharge and inability to maintain perianal hygiene. An oedematous haemorrhoidal pocket may give patients the sensation of sitting on a foreign body. There are a wide variety of treatment methods available according to haemorrhoids. In this section we will examine haemorrhoidal disease.
Keywords: Haemorrhoidal disease; Anal disease; Anatomy; Haemorrhoids
Kaynak Göster
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