Histology and Embryology of the Facial Nerve
Duygu NECCARa, Zehra SEZERa, Elif GÜZELa
aİstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, İstanbul, Türkiye
Neccar D, Sezer Z, Güzel E. Histology and embryology of the facial nerve. In: Sanus GZ, Batıoğlu Karaaltın A, eds. Surgical Management of Facial Nerve Paralysis. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2022. p.9-15.
Article Language: EN
The facial nerve is the seventh of the twelve cranial pairs and is the longest peripheral nerve in the human body. The facial nerve is a mixed nerve that contains three groups of nerve fibers: motor, sensory, and parasympathetic fibers. Also, the facial nerve is an easily damaged nerve because of both its embryonic development and anatomical localization. Therefore, knowing the histology and embryology of the facial nerve will contribute to the clinical understanding of the anatomical relationships and pathologies of this nerve. For this purpose, in our study, the embryonic development, histological structure, and related pathologies of the facial nerve are described.
Keywords: Facial nerve; embryology; histology; neuropathology
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