Initial Stabilization and Trauma Scoring Systems in Pediatric Multiple Trauma


aAkdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Antalya, Türkiye
bAkdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, Antalya, Türkiye

 Tolu Kendir Ö, Dursun O. Initial stabilization and trauma scoring systems in pediatric multiple trauma. In: Arslanköylü AE, ed. Trauma in Pediatric Critical Care. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.1-9.

The most important cause of early death in paediatric trauma is inadequate patient assessment and management. There is no universally accepted triage score for paediatric trauma. Each of the existing systems has strengths and weaknesses arising from its components. It has been shown that prehospital triage scores can influence the type of transport and reduce mortality. Although blunt trauma is more common in children, they are more prone to multi-system involvement. Therefore, the team responsible for paediatric trauma patients should be prepared to rapidly recognise and manage serious and life-threatening situations. They should have age-appropriate resuscitation equipment available and be experienced in administering life-saving treatments. The first objectives in the management of trauma patients are rapid assessment of injuries, setting priorities and performing critical interventions. Rapid primary survey includes resuscitation of vital functions such as airway, breathing and circulation. At this stage, diagnostic evaluations and treatment are carried out simultaneously. This is followed by secondary survey and completion of necessary additional interventions. In case of any clinical deterioration, the primary survey should be repeated immediately.
Keywords: Cumulative trauma disorders; triage; injury severity score; airway management; child abuse


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