Introduction to Risk and Crisis Communication
aGazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Ankara, Türkiye
Tonbuloğlu Altıner Ö, Özkan S. Introduction to risk and crisis communication. In: Özkan S, ed. Risk and Crisis Communication in Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.1-6.
Risk and crisis communication is an area of research and practice that is rapidly developing and becoming increasingly important. Risk communication encompasses the communication activities carried out to prevent the risks that individuals or organisations may encounter in their lives from turning into a crisis. Risk communication is a fundamental element for crisis preparation and mitigation, because a crisis is usually a manifestation of a risk. Crisis communication is broadly defined as the collection, processing and sharing of information necessary to deal with a crisis situation. Each of the crisis phases has its own specific communication requirements. Although both communication areas share some common goals, they also have certain differences. While risk communication is based on continuous projections and calculations about the potential for future damage, crisis communication is considered as a spontaneous and reactive process that usually occurs in unexpected and acute situations. However, both forms of communication share the underlying aim of limiting, controlling and minimising potential harm.
Keywords: Risk; communication
Kaynak Göster
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