Maladaptive Myocardium and Heart Failure


Selda MURATa, Muhammet DURALa, Yüksel ÇAVUŞOĞLUa

aEskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Eskişehir, Türkiye

Heart failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among cardiovascular diseases. Heart failure is not an only pathological diagnosis, but a complex clinical syndrome resulting from structural and functional abnormalities that results in impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of ventricular volume. A variety of interrelated structural and functional alterations occur during development to heart failure. Most changes can be compensatory, but cannot prevent cardiac dysfunction in the long run. Sustained abnormal volume and pressure overload induces maladaptation and cardiac remodeling, resulting in heart failure. However, development of normative changes in ventricular size and function gives rise to the concept of reverse remodeling. In this section, the maladaptive process in heart failure will be addressed.
Keywords: Heart failure; left ventricular hypertrophy; ventricular remodeling


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