Management of Hematological Malignities in Geriatric Population


aSağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Gülhane Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Onkoloji BD, Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Karadurmuş N, Acar R. Geriatrik populasyonda hematolojik malignitelerin yönetimi. Işık AT, Karaoğlu A, editörler. Geriatrik Onkoloji. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.100-5.

Although there are important differences in the treatment of advanced cancer in the elderly population, the same principles used in younger patients can be applied if appropriate precautions are taken into account. Pharmacokinetic differences in chemotherapy drug handling in the elderly potentially can contribute to increased toxicity. Extent of comorbidity and functional impairment should be assessed prior to the initiation of treatment and should be incorporated into the overall treatment plan. For the healthy elderly patient with minimal comorbidity and near-normal functional reserve, aggressive treatment including full doses of chemotherapy is warranted, especially in the potentially curative setting, and can yield results that are similar to those in younger patients. For the frail elderly patient, therapeutic goals may need to focus primarily on quality of life and symptom palliation, rather than prolonging survival.
Keywords: Hematological malignancy; lymphoma; geriatric oncology


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