Mental Health Consequences of Earthquakes in Various Countries

Selen Tütüncü

İstanbul Health and Technology University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, İstanbul, Türkiye

Tütüncü S. Mental Health Consequences of Earthquakes in Various Countries. Hızlı Sayar G., Çınaroğlu M ed. Psychopathology and Treatment After Earthquakes. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2025. p.45-55.


Earthquakes are among the most devastating natural disasters, causing significant loss of life, widespread destruction of infrastructure, and long-term psychological and physical impacts on survivors. These events, which often occur without warning, pose a global public health concern due to their suddenness, uncontrollability, and large-scale effects. Unlike other events, earthquakes represent an ongoing series of impacts, with their effects continuing long after the immediate danger has passed, sometimes lasting for years. The psychological consequences, in particular, can persist for months and may even outlast physical injuries caused by the disaster. This chapter explores the mental health consequences of major earthquakes with high fatality rates in various countries, with a particular focus on post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety symptoms. The mental health effects of earthquakes on populations in China, Haiti, Iran, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Syria, and Turkey are specif- ically analyzed. Earthquakes are handled differently in various countries, depending on the resources available and the interventions that can be made. In developing countries, earthquakes are especially challenging because health systems are often overwhelmed by the large number of people needing help for trauma. This chapter explores how earthquakes affect mental health and what factors can help protect and support people during recovery, with a focus on different countries. Overall, the need for global cooperation in addressing the mental health impacts of natural disasters, particularly in less-developed regions, where resources and infrastructure are limited are emphasized.

Keywords: Disasters; Earthquakes; Mental health; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Anxiety; Depression


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