Migration Psychology and Migration Trauma: Migration-Related Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Transgenerational Transfer of Psychopathology
Erdinç ÖZTÜRKa , Görkem DERİNa
aİstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, Department of Social Sciences, Psychotraumatology and Psychohistory Research Unit, İstanbul, Türkiye
Öztürk E, Derin G. Migration psychology and migration trauma: migration-related transgenerational transmission of trauma and transgenerational transfer of psychopathology. In: Öztürk E, ed. Migration Psychology. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.25-36.
Migration psychology is the ”intergenerational/transgenerational psychosocial analysis” of subjects and communities who leave or are forced to leave their homeland in the new countries they have arrived in. According to Öztürk, migration psychology is the dissoanalysis of masses trying to escape from oppression, adverse child rearing styles, childhood traumas, wars, terrorist attacks and genocides. Migration trauma, on the other hand, is the loss of close relatives, culture shock, discrimination, stigmatisation, lack of shelter and denial of work permits, as well as all the traumatic experiences experienced during the migration process. Migration trauma is experienced in an oscillative psychosocial nature and in a threephase cumulative axis as pre-migration, during migration and post-migration. Migrations contain the psychosocial traces of ”transgenerational transmission of trauma” and ”transgenerational transfer of dissociation” within their scope. The dissociogenic cycles in traumatised societies can only be stopped through mass migrations or through empathy-oriented correct child-rearing styles and innovative dissociative revolutions! Migration is the epitome of ”psychosocial regeneration” and ”psychosocial transformation” from the point of view of the dissoanalytic school. All migrants and successive generations bear the ”dominant transgenerational psychosocial traces” of the migration odyssey!
Keywords: Migration psychology; migration trauma; transgenerational transmission of trauma; transgenerational transfer of psychopathology; dissoanalysis; dissoanalytic psychohistory
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