Migration Trauma and Substance Addiction
Tuğba EMENa , Selda MERCANa
aİstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, Department of Social Science, İstanbul, Türkiye
Emen T, Mercan S. Migration trauma and substance addiction. In: Öztürk E, ed. Migration Psychology. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.91-102.
Migration has profound psychological effects on individuals and societies. Migration occurs when people leave their home countries for various reasons such as war, persecution, economic pressures, and natural disasters. The trauma experienced by migrants and refugees during migration is not just a change of location; it is a complex process full of traumatic experiences. Migrants face communication problems, unemployment, social isolation, and cultural contradictions while adapting to a new society. These problems can lead to disruptions in psychological integration and even addiction. Uncontrolled use of legal or illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, and stimulants can lead to psychological or physical addiction, damaging mental health and social relations. This can worsen the already difficult process of integration into the new society. In this section, the relationship between traumatic experiences caused by migration and substance addiction is discussed.
Keywords: Psychological trauma; immigration; substance related disorders; illicit drugs
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