Natural Disasters and Older Adults: Their Risk and Challenges

Ahmet KARAKARÇAYILDIZa , Moustapha DRAMÉb , Sevnaz ŞAHİNc

aKemer State Hospital, Clinic of Internal Medicine, Antalya, Türkiye
bUniversity of the French West Indies Faculty of Medicine, Department of Geriatrics, Martinique, France
cEge University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Geriatrics, İzmir, Türkiye

Natural disasters (ND) do not affect all individuals and communities equally and that some are more susceptible to harm than others. The elderly population faces unique vulnerabilities during natural disasters and needs special attention. ND can disrupt access to healthcare services, medication and medical equipment. ND preparedness policies often concentrate on immediate response and relief efforts. Policies should also address the long-term recovery and rebuilding phase, including mental health support for older adults dealing with trauma. Coordinated efforts among different agencies, healthcare providers, community organizations, and local governments are essential for comprehensive ND response. The lack of effective interagency collaboration can hinder the success of these policies.
Keywords: Aged; natural disaster; vulnerable populations


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