Nursing Care and Education in Fulminant Liver Failure
aSüleyman Demirel University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing, Isparta, Türkiye
Bayrak B. Nursing care and education in fulminant liver failure. In: Oğuz S, ed. Nursing Care and Education in Gastrointestinal System Diseases. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.41-6.
Fulminant liver failure is a serious clinical syndrome where hepatic encephalopathy rapidly develops weeks after the onset of jaundice in a person without a history of liver disease. It is a rare, lifethreatening, and potentially reversible emergency condition that may necessitate liver transplantation. Etiological factors may vary in populations, but preventable causes such as acetaminophen overdose and hepatitis are known to be significant. In addition to hepatic treatments, nursing care provided to the patient in appropriate intensive care conditions plays a critical role in patients’ recovery.
Keywords: Fulminant liver failure; acute liver failure; nursing care; patient education
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