Palliative Care and Analgesic Management in Geriatric Cancer Patients
Zeliha GÜZELÖZa , Alaettin ARSLANb
aİzmir City Hospital, Clinic of Radiation Oncology, İzmir, Türkiye
bKayseri City Hospital, Clinic of Radiation Oncology, Kayseri, Türkiye
Güzelöz Z, Arslan A. Palliative care and analgesic management in geriatric cancer patients. In: Metcalfe E, ed. Radiotherapy and Current Developments in Geriatric Cancers. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.65-71.
With the prolongation of life expectancy, we are witnessing an increasing number of elderly cancer patients in our daily practice. As oncologists, it is imperative for us to provide these patients with treatment options that not only encompass basic oncological therapies but also enhance their quality of life and offer support from a psychosocial perspective to both themselves and the caregivers. The aim is to support caregivers while increasing patients’ adherence to treatment through this comprehensive approach called palliative care. Pain is one of the most common symptoms observed in cancer patients that impairs the quality of life and causes polypharmacy, especially in elderly patients. In this section, palliative care in elderly cancer patients and analgesia management, which is a curucial part of it, will be discussed.
Keywords: Analgesics, opioid; cancer pain; geriatrics; palliative care; radiotherapy
Kaynak Göster
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