Passive Fit in Implant-Supported Fixed Protheses


aLokman Hekim University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Türkiye

Karaahmetoğlu C, Güngör Erdoğan H. Passive fit in implant-supported fixed protheses. In: Karaağaçlıoğlu L, ed. Current Information on Implant Supported Prostheses. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.1-7.

The stress on the implant and the surrounding bone is desired to be as low as possible in implant-supported prostheses. Today, passive fit is defined as the biological and mechanical compatibility of prostheses in a way that does not cause any complications in the long term. Passive fit between implant, substructure and abutments is very important for successful osseointegration. Passive fit of the prosthesis is essential for the long-term success of supporting structures such as teeth, mucosa or implants. There are many factors affecting the passive fit of the prosthesis. A compatible prosthesis should be obtained by providing the necessary controls in the clinical and laboratory stages. The presence of incompatible substructures may cause mechanical failure in implant-supported protheses or biological complications in surrounding tissues. Failure to achieve passive fit in prosthetic substructures causes loosening of prosthetic screws, fractures in the prosthesis and microcracks in the body of the implant as a result of pressure, tension and compression forces. Biological complications; tissue reactions, pain, sensitivity and bone loss around the implant due to stresses on the implant and consequently implants may be lost. In the fabrication of implant prosthesis substructures with conventional methods, dimensional changes may occur at any stage of production. With the advancing technology, efforts to improve the production techniques of prosthesis substructures are continuing. Today, it is aimed to produce implant prostheses that can function by reducing prosthetic complications as much as possible with advancing technology.
Keywords: Dental prosthesis; implant-supported, dental implants; prosthesis fitting


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