Pediatric Nail Disorders

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aHacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları ABD, Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Nail disorders in children can be divided into seven categories including physiologic alterations, congenital or inherited conditions, infections, dermatologic diseases, traumatic nail changes, systemic or iatrogenic nail alterations and other disordes. Nail dystrophies may represent a clue for the diagnosis of a syndrome (e.g. nail-patella syndrome) or dermatological disease (e.g. lichen planus, psoriasis, alopecia areata). Some nail disorders are physiologic which is important to know because of disappearance with age and not requiring any treatment. Congenital nail fold hypertrophy of great toenail is also known as pseudoingrown toe nail and regresses within the first year of life. Periungual warts are the most common infectious disease in pediatric population. Beau lines on several fingernails are very common in children after temperature crest. Tumors are rare in children. Longitudinal melanonychia is mostly due to benign melanocytic hyperplasia in children. Leukonychia, is mostly true leukonychia in childhood and punctate type which is due to trauma. Onychophagia and onychotillomania are most common reasons of chronic trauma in childhood. ‘Playstation’ (Nintendo thumb) or ‘cell phone’ thumb have been described recently as painful thumbs caused from repetitive injury in conjunction with the dramatic rise in playing of videogames or cell phone texting.
Keywords: Nail Diseases; nails; pediatric


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