Post-Disaster Physiotherapy Approach for Older Adults


aEge University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, İzmir, Türkiye

Disasters are natural events that humans cannot prevent and many of which are unpredictable. Earthquakes, floods, fires are important disaster events. In disaster situations, it is important to evaluate the general rehabilitation needs and make quick planning. Children, those with chronic diseases and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups that are most affected by disasters. It is important to raise awareness about the needs and rehabilitation services of elderly individuals with chronic diseases during a disaster. Therefore, physiotherapists have important duties. Physiotherapists should increase the rehabilitation services and independence levels of elderly individuals by contacting local governments during these periods. Most of the injuries that occur following disasters are of orthopedic nature and are the main causes of musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries and hospitalizations. Amputations, tissue crushing, fractures and nerve injuries cause significant loss of function in elderly individuals. For this reason, post-disaster physiotherapy approaches have an important place in elderly individuals.
Keywords: Disaster; physiotherapy; elderly


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