Pre-Dilatation in Bifurcation Lesions
Dr. Nazlı Turan Şerifler
Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Ankara, Türkiye
Over the past 20 years, significant advancements in the treatment of bifurcation lesions have markedly improved clinical practices and outcomes. The implementation of new techniques today offers opportunities to enhance treatment results. In particular, the proximal optimization with a single stent technique is recom- mended as a fundamental approach in coronary bifurcation treatment. In this context, side branch pre-dilatation may enhance the performance of the single stent technique in suitable cases. However, while side branch pre-dilatation offers advantages such as procedural simplification and preservation of the side branch, it also presents risks, including intravascular dissection and perforation in the side branch. The European Bifurcation Club and other relevant studies do not provide strong evidence to support the routine application of side branch pre-dilatation and do not recommend it routinely. Clinical experiences and literature data indicate that the necessity for side branch pre-dilatation may vary depending on patient-specific conditions, necessitating careful evaluation.
Keywords: Angioplasty; Coronary vessels; Pre-dilatation
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