Protection of Older Adults in Natural Disasters: How to Create an Emergency Plan? What are Good Examples?

Nurgül KOCAKOÇa , Reyhan UÇKUb

aAegean Geriatrics Association, İzmir, Türkiye
bDokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, İzmir, Türkiye

Due to physical and mental insufficiencies emerging with aging, older adults are affected from natural disasters more than the other members of the society. Moreover, capabilities of many older adults to compete for limited critical food and other sources of survival are less than younger population. In studies made, it is seen that older adults are generally ignored, discriminated, placed into inappropriate shelters, and they get less help. They do not get the treatment assistance they need. Furthermore, it is detected that they are experiencing higher dementia rates and posttraumatic stress disorders due to low level of welfare after the natural disasters. Because of that, protection of older adults during and after the natural disasters is important. It is obligatory to make special regulations for older adults in disaster plans for efficient protection.
Keywords: Natural disaster; disaster planning; aged


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