Psychiatric Morbidity and Treatment Following an Earthquake (Epidemiology, Medication, Protective and Risk Factors)
Eda Yılmazer
Beykoz University Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, İstanbul, Türkiye
Yılmazer E. Psychiatric Morbidity And Treatment Following An Earthquake (Epidemiology, Medication, Protective And Risk Factors). Hızlı Sayar G., Çınaroğlu M ed. Psychopathology and Treatment After Earthquakes. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2025. p.15-28.
Earthquakes are traumatic events that not only cause physical destruction but also lead to significant psychiatric morbidity among affected populations. This chapter examines the psychological aftermath of earthquakes, focusing on the prevalence and nature of psychiatric disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and various anxiety disorders that frequently arise. Drawing on global case studies and statistical data, chapter explores the demographic variations in mental health outcomes and the efficacy of pharmacological and therapeutic interventions. Additionally, the chapter discusses the role of protective and risk factors in influencing psychiatric outcomes, highlighting the importance of community support and pre-disaster mental health status. We emphasize the need for integrated, culturally sensitive approaches that combine medication, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and strong community networks to effectively manage and mitigate the psychological impacts of earthquakes. The insights provided aim to guide future preparedness and response strategies, ensuring that mental health considerations are prioritized in disaster response efforts to enhance resilience and recovery among survivors.
Keywords: Earthquakes; Psychiatric morbidity; PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder); MDD (Major depressive disorder); Anxiety disorders; Pharmacological treatments
Kaynak Göster
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