Psychological Interventions for Victims of an Earthquake
Gizem Gerdan
İzmir Demokrasi University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, İzmir, Türkiye
Gerdan G. Psychological Interventions for Victims of an Earthquake. Hızlı Sayar G., Çınaroğlu M ed. Psychopathology and Treatment After Earthquakes. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2025. p.29-38.
Earthquakes, among the most common natural disasters, cause destructive damage and fatal conse- quences, leaving long-term effects on the mental health of affected individuals and survivors. As a global public health issue affecting millions worldwide, earthquakes are closely associated with psychiatric morbidity. The destructive impact of earthquakes, along with biopsychosocial losses, leaves deep and distinct marks on mental health, making psychological interventions crucial in the post-disas- ter recovery process for supporting psychological healing, mitigating the long-term effects of trauma, and enhancing resilience. The primary aim of this chapter is to examine and discuss the necessary interventions and approaches following an earthquake, according to early impact and post-impact phases. Grounded in the needs and priorities of the early crisis phase and aligned with the principles of psychological first aid, psychosocial interventions were first reviewed; subsequently, post-impact interventions involving evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches targeting posttraumatic mental health outcomes were examined in light of the literature findings. The functioning and effectiveness of trauma-focused approaches to psychological interventions are discussed within this framework.
Keywords: Earthquake; Mental health; Psychological trauma, Disaster, Psychological intervention
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