Social Media Addiction
Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine Yağmur Zorbozan
Department of Psychiatry, Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu SUAM Medical Center, İstanbul, Türkiye
Social media has profoundly transformed individuals social interactions and facilitated information exchange, entertainment, and other social activities. The rapid expansion of the internet and technological advance- ments have led to the widespread proliferation of social media platforms, drawing many users to these plat- forms. However, excessive and uncontrolled use of these platforms has led to a problem known as problematic social media use. Problematic social media use can be defined as an excessive and compulsive attachment to social media platforms, negatively impacting daily life functions and causing disruptions in social, academic, and professional areas.DSM-5 has reclassified the “Substance-Related Disorders” section to “Substance-Re- lated and Addictive Disorders,” incorporating behavioral addictions, though internet addiction is listed as “Internet Gaming Disorder” in the DSM-5 appendix. Research on the effects of social media use on health has highlighted how problematic social media use involves excessive engagement with social networking sites and affects individuals’ overall quality of life and social relationships.
Recent increases in internet use and the popularity of social networking sites have led to a preference for on- line social interactions. The term “sofalizing” describes the preference for online social interaction from home and is associated with various psychological and personality factors. Additionally, problematic social media use has been linked to neurobiological and genetic factors, with brain structure changes associated with ad- diction. The impact of problematic social media use on mental health, including associations with depression and anxiety, and its effects on sleep patterns, has been noted. Treatment approaches include cognitive-be- havioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and individual coping techniques.
Keywords: Social media addiction; Behavioral addictions; Internet addiction disorder; Problematic social media use; Problematic internet use
Kaynak Göster
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