Stressed Heart Morphology: Description and Clinical Importance



aHatay Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Cardiology, Hatay, Türkiye

Chronic pressure overload caused by hypertension causes an increase in LV wall thickness to normalize wall stress. In the early stage, an increase in relative wall thickness before hypertrophy is associated with preservation of left ventricular function. Focal hypertrophy may be an early sign of LV geometric remodeling in hypertensive patients. It has been shown that the basal septum is thicker than the middle apical part in mild to moderate hypertension. Stress-induced increased Left Ventricular output gradients have been detected in hypertensive patients with Basal Septal Hypertrophy, the early stage of LVH. The possible mechanism for the development of this finding may be related to increased wall stress in the basal region compared to the mid-apical region, since the LV basal diameter is the largest part of the normal left ventricle and will likely be more affected. An early imaging biomarker is very important in this regard. Therefore, it may play a role in the detection of early stage Heart Failure. As a result, early detection of changes in the heart under stress, proactive action to prevent irreversible complications, and timely and optimal treatment are important.
Keywords: Hypertrophy, left ventricular; heart septum


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