Telehealth and Telemedicine Applications in Türkiye: Telehealth Ethics

İsmail BAKa , Nesrin ÇOBANOĞLUb

aGazi University Informatics Institute, Health Informatics, Ankara, Türkiye
bGazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Ethics and History, Ankara, Türkiye

Bak İ, Çobanoğlu N. Telehealth and telemedicine applications in Türkiye: Telehealth ethics. In: Özkan S, ed. Telehealth, Telemedicine and Public Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.119-22.

This study examines the legal and ethical foundations of telehealth and telemedicine practices in Türkiye. The study is based on three sections. In the first section, the telecommunication technologies used in preventive health services, which were commissioned in Türkiye in order to provide location-independent health services to 85 million citizens of the country in addition to the existing health measures, are discussed. The second section addresses the compliance of the use of telecommunication technologies in the field of telemedicine and telehealth with national law. Finally, the provision of remote healthcare services through telemedicine and telehealth applications is analyzed within the framework of patient-physician relationship and telehealth ethics.
Keywords: Delivery of health care; telemedicine; ethics


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