Telehealth Applications in Surgical and Postoperative Care

Kürşat DİKMENa , Saygın ALTINERb

aGazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Ankara, Türkiye
bAnkara Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of General Surgery, Ankara, Türkiye

Dikmen K, Altıner S. Telehealth applications in surgical and postoperative care. In: Özkan S, ed. Telehealth, Telemedicine and Public Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.86-91.

Today, the fields of use and prevalence of telehealth applications are developing rapidly along with information and communication technologies. This development also has important effects on the forms of surgical and postoperative care. Telesurgery can be classified under three different subheadings as telementoring, telepresence and telerobotics. Telerobotic techniques can contribute to the healthcare services provided to remote patients, and telementoring enables experience sharing between surgeons. Telepresence surgery allows surgeons to provide care to their patients as if they were there by recreating an illusion of the real environment in a remote location with a sense of reality. Telehealth applications play an important role in providing more accessible and quality healthcare services not only during surgery but also in pre- and postoperative processes. Telehealth offers significant benefits in areas such as postoperative patient follow-up, implementation of treatment plans and early detection of postoperative complications. In the future, increasing research in this field and making telehealth applications accessible to more patients will play an important role in the transformation of healthcare services.
Keywords: Surgery; postoperative care; telemedicine


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