Telemedicine Practices in Primary Health Care Services
Osman Burak DEMİRBAŞa , Sefer AYCANa
aGazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Ankara, Türkiye
Demirbaş OB, Aycan S. Telemedicine practices in primary health care services. In: Özkan S, ed. Telehealth, Telemedicine and Public Health. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.67-70.
According to the World Health Organization’s definition, primary health care represents an approach that aims to improve people’s health and well-being by involving the whole community and ensuring equitable access. This approach aims to provide a wide range of services, from health promotion and disease prevention to treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. Telemedicine plays an important role in primary health care as telecommunication technologies facilitate remote access to health services. Telemedicine applications in primary health care services provide convenience in access to patients, cost-effectiveness, and increase in health service quality. However, telemedicine also brings possible drawbacks such as inadequate physical examination, problems of access to technology and confidentiality issues.
Keywords: Telemedicine; primary health care; public health
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