The Examination/Assessment on Respiratory System Diseases and Nursing


aEge University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing, İzmir, Türkiye

Usta Yeşilbakan Ö, Gül İ. The examination/assessment on respiratory system diseases and nursing. In: Çevik Akyıl R, ed. Nursing Approach in Respiratory Diseases. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2025. p.1-16.

The respiratory system is the basic system that provides gas exchange necessary to protect and maintain the body’s homeostasis. It is basically divided into two: upper respiratory system and lower respiratory system. While the upper respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx; The lower respiratory system includes the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli, the smallest part of the lungs. The lower respiratory system organs are located in the thorax. Diagnosis of the thorax and lungs is important for nursing diagnosis of respiratory system diseases. Respiratory system diagnosis basically includes inspection, palpation, percussion and most importantly, auscultation. In this section, before the diagnosis of the respiratory system, the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and the structures that make up the respiratory system are explained. Subsequently, methods for collecting objective and subjective data related to the respiratory system, and how the nurse should evaluate various signs and symptoms, are presented.

Keywords: Respiratory system; physical examination; nursing assessment


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