The Fixtures of Life: Polymers, Plastics, Microplastics, Nanoplastics
Parisa AKBARİ DANAa , Zhala GACHAYZADEa , Kadir GEDİKa,b
aEskişehir Technical University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Eskişehir, Türkiye
bEskişehir Technical University Environmental Research Center, Eskişehir, Türkiye
Akbari Dana P, Gachayzade Z, Gedik K. The fixtures of life: Polymers, plastics, microplastics, nanoplastics. In: Toygar H, Balcı N, eds. Exposure to Microplastics in Life and Dentistry. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.1-11.
Plastics, involved in every aspect of life, have become a global problem by decomposing into micro/nano-sized particles with abiotic and biotic effects, while entering the environment as waste after use. In this study, the extent of the plastic pollution is examined in terms of the historical background, properties, uses and waste generation potential of plastics that are the fixtures of everyday life, as well as the morphological characteristics of the polymeric particles (microplastics and nanoplastics) that they reach at the end of their life cycle and their properties that pose a threat to humans. The environmental and human health effects of microplastic/nanoplastic particles, which are among the pollutants whose significance is not yet understood, are summarized in terms of exposure routes, risks and possible consequences, in order to raise awareness of the dimensions that plastic pollution can reach.
Keywords: Plastic pollution; plastic waste; health effect; exposure; toxicity
Kaynak Göster
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